1.2. Who am I?
Lesson 2 Module 1
Hi, I'm Darren and here I look at why I've created this course for the kidney disease community.
I speak about living over 20 years with kidney disease, having 2 transplants and over 1,800 hemodialysis sessions.
A real rollercoaster of a life practicing the lessons I've learned along the way.
It's been a journey filled with uncovering these impactful lessons on overcoming adversity, developing resilience and a constant striving for both good health and a better quality of life.
I believe that when we accept the challenge of ill health we can go on to create better versions of ourselves. This course shows you how.
This Is the goal I set myself and I work towards helping you do the same, on your journey to better health.
Click NEXT LESSON to learn more about how I will help you develop a stronger mindset and learn how to live a better quality of life with kidney disease.